Live virtual, self-paced, and in-person trainings to best fit your needs!

PAX Tools Self-paced Training for Youth Workers provides youth workers with the strategies and materials to implement PAX Tools – 8 evidence-based strategies for working with youth in the community. PAX Tools for Youth Workers ensures everyone who works with youth has access to evidence-based behavioral support strategies.
PAX Tools™ Community Educator training certifies community-serving professionals to present PAX Tools Community Workshops for parents, caregivers, and other caring adults in their own community. PAX Tools Community Educators are certified to present and support implementation of PAX Tools Strategies for use at home and in the community.
PAX Tools for Human Services™ training provides professionals with eleven evidence-based, trauma-informed strategies that can be integrated into professional work with young people in community settings outside the classroom. This training is appropriate for Human Services Professionals as well as adults who work in childcare and out-of-schooltime settings.
PAX Client Success Coaching provides narrowly tailored consulting for initiating, maintaining, and expanding PAX school-based and community-based implementations. PAX Client Success Coaching can be provided to funders, stakeholders, or practitioners.
PAX Schoolwide Sustainability Training provides internal school personnel previously trained in the PAX Good Behavior Game Initial Training with instruction for guiding peers’ PAX implementation, data monitoring, and troubleshooting to improve outcomes. Sustainability training ensures that PAX schools without access to an external PAX Partner can sustain and enhance implementation.
PAX Next Steps Trainings provide teachers and educators previously trained in the PAX Good Behavior Game Initial Training with additional strategies and tips for integration with other common policies and initiatives. PAX Next Steps Training helps to recalibrate classroom implementation to ensure a culturally responsive application of strategies for improved outcomes.
PAX Heroes Training provides teachers and educators previously trained in the PAX Good Behavior Game Initial Training with strategies, variations, and approaches to improve success with students with significant behavioral needs. PAX Heroes delivers explicit instruction in identifying areas of student difficulty and adapting PAX strategies in order to support students’ areas of need.
PAX Partner Training provides internal and/or external professionals previously trained in the PAX Good Behavior Game Initial Training with instruction for coaching and supporting schoolwide PAX implementations. PAX Partner Training provides supplemental resources and strategies for: building fidelity of implementation, gathering and analyzing data, troubleshooting, expanding implementation, and integrating PAX with additional school-wide initiatives.
PAX Good Behavior Game Initial Training provides teachers and educators with training to implement eleven evidence-based, trauma-informed strategies during normal instruction to teach self-regulation. PAX strategies are used by teachers throughout their day to build students’ behavioral skills and stamina for focused attention and on-task behavior.