We Better Our World, We Better Ourselves
PAX Tools
PAX Tools Community Educator training certifies community-serving professionals to present PAX Tools Community Workshops for parents, caregivers, and other caring adults in their own community. PAX Tools Community Educators are certified to present and support implementation of PAX Tools Strategies for use at home and in the community.
PAX Tools for Human Services provides professionals with trauma-informed evidence-based strategies that can be integrated into professional work with young people in community settings outside the classroom. This training is appropriate for Human Services Professionals who work directly with youth and with their parents and caregivers.
PAX Tools for Youth Workers provides evidence-based trauma-informed strategies for those who work with youth in the community during out-of-school time. This training is appropriate for youth workers who provide care for children in a number of settings, including YMCAs, Boys & Girls Clubs, summer camps, and more.
PAX Tools for Youth Development training focuses on utilizing a trauma-informed approach to teach behavior as a skillset in out-of-school time settings. This training is most appropriate for full-time and administrative staff in out-of-school time organizations, including YMCAs, Boys & Girls Clubs, summer camps, and more.

Helpful Technology

The PAX Tools App is intended for use by parents, caregivers, and other caring adults who wish to implement PAX Tools with the children in their lives.
The PAX Tools App contains features that describe and operationalize nine PAX Tools strategies. For each PAX Tool, the app features an overview of the strategy, a video describing the strategy, and a “recipe” or step-by-step procedure to implement the strategy.
Many of the tools can be personalized to suit the needs of the user, including the setting and age of the child(ren). The PAX Tools App is available for free on Apple and Android Devices and can be utilized in both English and Spanish.

PAX Tools in your Community
PAX has applications in any setting where children and adults interact. When the evidence-based PAX Good Behavior Game is implemented in schools, children benefit from improved lifetime outcomes.
PAX Tools extends nurturing environments beyond the classroom, empowering adults throughout the community to improve young people’s behavior and relationships with the use of Evidence-based Kernels. PAX Tools is designed for use at home or in the community by caring adults such as parents, caregivers, and other adults who serve youth in volunteer or professional settings.
Whether a child is learning developmentally appropriate behavior skills at school or home, experiencing school at home, or navigating the system of care, PAX has an appropriate application.